Only 5 more days!!
At TEDxOhioStateUniversity, we have worked hard to create an amazing event for you. With Reconstructing Reality quickly approaching, we thought we would share what you might expect this year!
To do this, we reached out to a few attendees from our event last year for input, and were pleasantly surprised by their fresh perspectives and valuable insight. We had skeptics, such as Amad Hussain, a second year here at Ohio State. “In all honesty, at first I figured there was no way I would stay interested for the entire length of the program. Luckily, I was proven wrong.” Hussain went on to praise the variety and original ways the speakers took on the theme that year. “The Human Narrative, a complex and abstract concept as-is, was masterfully brought to that stage, whether it be shown in how we venture towards the scientific unknown, or in how we fight for due civil liberties.”
We were also fortunate enough to speak with Annie Taylor, a second year at Ohio State, who highlighted William Evans’ slam poem “Four (Boys),” whom she praised for being meaningful and engaging. She also mentioned how she enjoyed Ida Abdalkhani’s TEDx talk on laughter yoga, “Happier in 5 Minutes,” for how it engaged everyone in the room. “I enjoyed how she got the whole audience to participate in laughing with her.”
All-in-all, both Amad and Annie expressed their delight with last year’s event and recommend the TEDx experience to future attendees. Annie stated, “Attending TEDxOhioStateUniversity’s event was a really fun experience, and I would definitely suggest it to everyone!” Amad expressed his excitement for this year’s event as well, “I’m marking down the days in anticipation for what this fantastic group of students has in store for 2016.”
And we’re counting down the days too! No matter which attendee you are – a faithful TEDxOhioStateUniversity fan or a total newcomer- we hope that you are as excited as we are for this year’s event! We look forward to seeing you all there on March 5th to see us “Reconstructing Reality!”