RECAP: The First Two PR Booths of the Season!

Welcome back readers! Hopefully everyone managed to perform their civic duty on November 6th’s elections! Here at TEDxOhioStateUniversity, we hold PR booths throughout the year so the OSU community can hear the local ideas worth spreading. As a proud member of the PR committee, I can easily say that »

November is Coming

Welcome back readers! As the spooky festivities of Halloween is coming to an end, a new form of fear is manifesting in the shape of the midterm elections. On November 6th, which is in less than a week, all of the United States of America will have their chance to »

The Big Red X You Can't Miss

Welcome back readers! Hope everyone had a peaceful break from the intense regimen of college coursework. At this point in the semester, we are contemplating the logistics of creating a time machine to travel back to simpler times. Time machines are expensive, so let’s take a stroll down memory »

The Evolution of the TED Experience

It’s nearing the end of midterm season—which means most of us are searching for mediums to either alleviate our stress and/or help us forget about the inevitable assessment that occurs during midterm season. Aside from the typical forms of entertaining mass media, TED talks can be the »

It’s All About Design! Design! Design!

Although I am loyal to the Public Relations Committee, I still can attest that Design is one of the coolest committees in TEDxOhioStateUniversity. Design is TEDxOhioStateUniversity’s communication hub for branding and the building of the Tedx experience here at OSU. It’s an all encompassing committee that works alongside »

TEDxOhioStateUniversity Through the Eyes of a Newcomer

The college experience is quite an intimidating process, getting through a day of classes is a feat in itself. The constant struggle of trying to build your resume, make time for classes, and hang out with your friends is a struggle we are all well aware of. Student organizations can »

Hide or Seek: One Month Later

It has been a month since our annual TEDxOhioStateUniversity event: Hide or Seek! To celebrate our first monthiversary, we would love to share with you some backstage stories of our team on the day of the event. Be aware, this is exclusive information! When did we start preparing for the »

Hide or Seek: A Zero Waste Event

Ever heard of Zero Waste Event? Facilities Operations and Development initiated the Zero Waste Event tradition to achieve campus sustainability goals. The initiative was originally created to address waste diversion from Buckeye football games held at the Shoe as early as 2010. The Zero Waste initiative “refers to diverting 90% »